One of them is to make ASEAN more resilient in facing the challenges of the times.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized the four great spirits of Indonesia’s chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) this year, including laying out ASEAN’s long-term vision and realizing peace in the Indo-Pacific.

At a press conference in Jakarta, Retno said that the first spirit of Indonesia’s chairmanship was to lay down ASEAN’s long-term vision. This long-term vision is very important because it will be a guide for ASEAN to move forward.

The foundation will begin to be built in Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN,” he said in the official transcript of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received on Monday (28/8/2023).

Retno indicated that the 43rd ASEAN Summit, which will take place on September 5-7 in Jakarta, will result in a new ASEAN concord (agreement). Indonesia always produces concord in each of its chairpersons in ASEAN.

The second spirit is to make ASEAN more resilient in facing the challenges of the times, in accordance with the theme of this year’s chairmanship, namely ASEAN Matters which means ASEAN is important.

Retno said that there were several documents that were targeted to become the results of the 43rd ASEAN Summit, namely related to the decision-making process, especially when ASEAN was facing a crisis and strengthening ASEAN institutions based in Jakarta.

The third spirit of Indonesia’s chairmanship is to make Southeast Asia a center of growth. Related to this, there are several issues that will be discussed, such as food security, energy security, health, financial stability, and open and fair market access.

Retno said that the 43rd ASEAN Summit would agree on various cooperation related to these issues with partner countries. “And everything is trying to be translated into concrete cooperation,” he said.

Adapun ruh keempat adalah mempertahankan sentralitas ASEAN dalam menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas di Indo-Pasifik, yang kini menjadi panggung persaingan dua kekuatan dunia, yakni China dan Amerika Serikat.

Retno explained that Indonesia would encourage concrete cooperation in the economic field because she believed that inclusive cooperation could ease tensions in the Indo-Pacific.

He said all the documents expected to be ratified at the summit were still being discussed. ASEAN diplomats and their partners are still negotiating to finalize the document that will be the result of next month’s summit.

Source : Republika

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