Myanmar junta troops in eastern Kayah State have suffered more than 90 deaths in four days of fighting with resistance forces this week, according to the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF).

The group said a large number of weapons, including assault rifles, grenade launchers and ammunition, were seized.

Around 330 junta soldiers from three battalions arrived in Daw Ta Ma Gyi village, Demoso Township, on March 8.

Clashes erupted from March 20 to 23, in which more than one regime captain was killed and an estimated 50 troops injured, the KNDF stated. Five resistance fighters were killed, the group said.

Karenni Military Information Center spokesman Khun Nyay Reh told The Irrawaddy that resistance groups attacked junta troops returning to collect bodies.

“The junta deployment’s structure is broken as we collected large numbers of weapons and communication devices,” he said.

Photos of seized weapons and ammunition and bodies were released.

The Karenni Army, Bawlake People’s Defense Force and Naypyitaw People’s Defense Force also took part in the fighting.

The junta responded with jet fighters and shelling and over 100 civilian houses were destroyed.

“Fighting is ongoing and fierce,” the KNDF stated on Saturday, asking for weapons supplies for resistance groups.

Source: Irrawaddy

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