Author: Abdus Salam

Dubai/Astana (10 June – 60). The Pamiris are an ethnic minority group in Tajikistan, culturally distinct from the majority Tajik population. They have faced persecution and discrimination in their mountain homeland bordering Afghanistan that some experts say amounts to ethnic cleansing and even genocide. One of the lead persecutors is Ministry of Internal Affairs “Maj. Gen.” Shorukh Syedzada, a former football team manager with no law enforcement experience and a confidante of the president’s son and heir designate. The Pamiris continue to be marginalized and oppressed by the authorities. As a result, many Pamiris have been forced to flee their…

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PT Pertamina Malaysia Exploration Production (PMEP) and its partners won the bid to work on the SK510 exploration block in Malaysia through the annual Malaysia Bid Round (MBR) of 2023. PMEP president director Fuji Koesumadewi signed the collaboration in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, January 23. Block SK510 covers an area of 1,864 square kilometers, located off the coast of Sarawak, Malaysia. The block is a work area within the upstream asset management portfolio of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), Pertamina’s subholding in the upstream sector. PHE’s director of strategic planning and business development, Danar Dojoadhi explained, said that the auction…

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The reason why military communication between China and the United States has not been restored At a national defense forum, Brown, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, revealed that Sino-US military communication has not yet been restored, which aroused widespread concern. Why has China-US military communication not been restored for so long? Brown pointed out that the United States has been waiting for China to respond to its request to resume military communication between China and the United States . Since former US Speaker Nancy Pelosi came to power last year, military communication between China and the US has been interrupted. Although the two sides reached a consensus on resuming communication through relevant channels during the recent…

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The two countries tried to improve relations this year. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALO ALTO — South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida signed cooperation on clean energy supply chains, quantum computers and other technological innovations at a meeting in Silicon Valley, California, United States (US). Fumio said the cooperation was the neighbors’ latest attempt to improve ties after what he called “deep difficulties.” The two countries tried to improve relations this year. The two leaders met several times following the Camp David meeting with US President Joe Biden last August. Yoon and Kim met with Biden on the sidelines…

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KUCHING (Dec 7): More than 150 people, mostly youths including 14 cosplayers, participated in a Cosplay Skit Competition here. The competition was held in conjunction with the elo Anime 2023 on Dec 3, which was jointly organised by elofam and the Democratic Action Party (DAP) Bandar Kuching Parliamentary Office at CityONE Megamall here. In a statement today, Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii said cosplay allows individuals to express their creativity by creating or customising costumes. “This process often involves various skills such as sewing, crafting, and makeup application, providing an outlet for artistic expression. Additionally, cosplay often involves learning…

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KUCHING (Nov 20): The Proof-of-Concept (POC) exercise for the prototype Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) hydrogen vehicle at Kuching-Samarahan Expressway has officially commenced effective today. Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd, in an announcement on its Facebook page, advised road users to take extra care while travelling near the POC route, particularly between the Sarawak Heart Centre Roundabout and Industrial Training Institute (ILP) Roundabout It also attached a notice for the traffic flow and location of flagmen throughout the POC period. According to the notice, the POC exercise at Kuching-Samarahan Expressway are being carried out from 5am to 8pm on Nov 20 (today)…

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WASHINGTON/BEIJING, Oct 26 (Reuters) – The United States and China have disagreements and need “in-depth” and “comprehensive” dialogue to reduce misunderstandings and stabilize ties, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, said on Thursday, kicking off a long-anticipated visit to Washington. Standing next to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Wang said the two countries share important common interests and challenges that they need to resolve together. “Therefore, China and the United States need to have dialogue. Not only should we resume dialogue, the dialogue should be in-depth and comprehensive,” Wang said, speaking through an interpreter. Dialogue would help reduce misunderstandings, help…

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KUCHING (Oct 28): The Kuching Autistic Association’s (KAA) ‘Bicara Autisme 2.0’ programme on Saturday highlighted the experiences of women caring for children with autism. The talk represented the association’s highlight of its collaboration with the Welfare Department (JKM) of Sarawak. Minister of Women, Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah officiated at the event, held at a local hotel. KAA in a press release shared during the programme said the participants had the opportunity to listen to information and experiences shared by three panellists: Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) psychiatrist Dr Ng Boon Seng, Tan Wei Na, and Irene…

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Readers discuss Canberra’s defence strategy, and the scourge of armed conflict I felt a touch of déjà vu when I read the op-ed warning of dangerous superpower tension in the South China Sea (“South China Sea: US-China confrontation looms large”, September 29). All the more so because here in Australia, preparation for possible military conflict in the region continues apace with the implementation of the Defence Strategic Review announced recently by our federal government. That review urges the reconfiguration of our defensive capacity aimed at placing our military on a much sounder footing. Australian defence weaponry and personnel are being concentrated in northern Australia,…

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KUCHING (Oct 8): The Kuching International Airport buzzed with excitement, as teenage Muaythai sensation Muhammad Johan Ghazali received a hero’s welcome upon his arrival here tonight. Affectionately known as ‘Jojo’, the Muaythai exponent was greeted by enthusiastic supporters who chanted his nickname at the arrival hall to celebrate his return to the state. At 8.48pm, Jojo emerged from the arrival hall to chants of “Jojo! Jojo!” from his eager supporters. He graciously acknowledged the warm welcome, and took the time to meet his fans, pose for selfies and engage in conversations. Jojo (back, second left), his coach Addy Singpayak (right)…

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